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Market Making

Maximizing Liquidity
This is our expertise. We’ve developed proprietary tools to fine-tune your order book, leveraging our proven algorithms to enhance performance.
We’re here to help Contact us today

Stronger liquidity, better adoption

At the core of every successful market are highly liquid assets. By enhancing your liquidity, we foster efficient and equitable markets where your digital assets can thrive. Our expert team and advanced algorithms continuously monitor venues to identify where support is needed.

The highlight: round-the-clock top-tier pricing through algorithmic market making. And just as important: we stay focused on your performance, providing you with comprehensive trading insights and statistics whenever you need them. Transparency is key to our collaboration.

Market making solutions

How we’re helping you

Before Quantax, Low Liquidity After Quantax, High Liquidity

Our partners

Partnering with leading industry players, we provide comprehensive solutions.

Any questions?

We value clarity as much as you do. Here are some questions our partners have asked before starting to work with us:
What is a market maker?
Market makers are entities that provide liquidity by actively buying and selling cryptocurrencies to traders, investors, and market participants globally. They purchase cryptocurrencies from sellers and sell them to buyers, ensuring that trades can always be executed smoothly. By doing so, they play a crucial role in stabilizing prices and maintaining market liquidity.

Quantax Trading collaborates with leading cryptocurrency projects and exchanges, delivering KPIs that demonstrate and validate our market-making effectiveness with each partner. All trade executions are recorded in our proprietary database, with fully automated and customizable reporting.
Why is market making important?
Market makers in the crypto space play a role similar to their function in traditional finance, providing liquidity to ensure assets are fairly priced and minimizing market impact while also supporting token adoption.

Price discrepancies between different markets (CEX and DEX) can impede token adoption, making liquidity adjustments crucial for creating a seamless user experience when acquiring assets. Additionally, market making can be a powerful promotional tool, attracting more organic buyers by maintaining attractive trading volumes. This not only boosts market confidence but also reduces the risk of delisting from centralized exchanges (CEX).

In essence, market-making solutions foster trust between buyers and sellers, narrow spreads, improve trading conditions, and enhance the long-term success of your asset.
Are we performance oriented?
At Quantax, we are performance-driven market makers, fully committed to delivering exceptional results for our partners. Our confidence in our ability to optimize liquidity and enhance market conditions is so strong that we are open to being compensated in your token instead of USDT to cover our fees. This approach aligns our success directly with yours, ensuring that our goals are fully aligned with the growth and success of your project.
Do you cover both CEX and DEX?
At Quantax, we deliver market-making services across more than 100 different exchanges, both centralized (CEX) and decentralized (DEX), ensuring comprehensive support for your assets on all major blockchain networks. Our extensive reach allows us to optimize liquidity and trading conditions across the entire crypto ecosystem, no matter where your assets are traded.
Do you cover all markets 24/7?
At Quantax, we provide round-the-clock monitoring, 24/7, 365 days a year. Our dedicated team and advanced systems work tirelessly to ensure optimal liquidity and market performance at all times, so your assets are always supported, no matter when or where they’re traded.
We strive to make everything as transparent and understandable for you as possible. If you have more questions, do not hesitate to ask them — we are always ready to provide you with all the necessary information.